Sunday, January 21, 2007

On Vodka: Addendum

I asked my friend Amanda, a long-time lover of vodka (and of Russian descent, no less), what her favorite vodkas were when she commented on my On Vodka post. Here's her response:

"There's sort of a different vodka for every season and reason. In winter I prefer the stronger, warming vodkas, even chili vodkas at times while summer lends itself well to subtle or fruity vodkas. With a strong mix over ice it is texture and tempurature that matter, cheap vodkas from the deep freeze versus the regular freezer. Currently Iceberg or Banff Ice for sipping, Luskovska for gentle drinks and Muskovskaya for harder moments. The best most bars tend to have is Stolichnaya, which is nice in a vodka-7. Smirnoff and Absolut are vodkas of last resort, I'll drink them only if the liquor store is already closed [note: where Amanda lives (Vancouver, Canada), liquor stores close at 11pm, making it impossible to legally obtain alcohol outside of a bar or restaurant].

Currently at hand a recipe of my own device:
Hard Amaretto Sours
1 oz. vodka
1 oz. amaretto
1 oz. lemonade

I've been using a Luskovska for this recently, the colder the better. Poured over ice and stir. I tend to use a strong vodka for this or it gets a little dangerous - with a Chopin or Iceberg its just like a really tasty lemonade. "


Amanda said...

I find it amusing that I'm your authority on vodka, just because I have 3 kinds in my freeze at any given point in time. Oooh and often one in the back of my office filing cabinet.

jvs said...

Hahaha. Well, that's 3x more than I keep in my freezer, and...well, technically an infinate amount more than I keep in my office.

Although, I do have no less than 28 other kinds of spirits at home.